Free Space is a non-profit organization dedicated to creating a safe place for young artists to express themselves. WebsterX, one of the founders of Free Space started free showcases in conjunction with the RiverWest Jazz Club. They started this journey 5 years ago and have only gained momentum since then. Recently, FreeSpace has developed a partnership with Milwaukees oldest jewelry company, Schwanke-Kasten Jewelers. Schwanke-Kasten started a philanthropic initiative in which they generously have been donating to different organizations around Milwaukee and have partnered with FreeSpace in order to help nurture Art and artists within the community.
They are dedicated to creating an environment that nurtures the creativity in the young minds of Milwaukee as well as giving a place for experienced artists to demonstrate their talents. Milwaukee is a complex city, consisting of impoverished areas and outrageous segregation statistics, but is also filled with passion and talent that has been suppressed. Free Space along and other non-profits are dedicated to rectifying these circumstances
The city of Milwaukee along with Free Space are opening an all age venue to showcase young and aspiring artists. This summer construction should be finished allowing Free Space to move from River West to a venue dedicated to solely providing an environment that is safe and constructive.
The hip hop community is growing by the masses and is currently the most listened to genre of music in the U.S. as of 2017. The misconceptions of the genre are that it promotes violence, drugs and misogyny, but the lyrics are only half the art when it comes to rap. The stories of urban neighborhoods are expressed through the lyrics of hip hop music and illustrates the reality of the environment in which some of the population lives.
New State will be a place for the community to not only grow larger, but a place where this community can actually make a difference. Local artists will now have a place to not only show off their street poetry, but they plan on showcasing paintings and other artistic genres of the surrounding communities
In 2018 Milwaukee had its first hip hop week as well as making it annual. The goal of this event was to establish the idea hat this genre can actually help better a community. Milwaukee is the first to establish the nations first ever hip hop week.
It has now become a tradition in Milwaukee with volunteers and students from UWM participating. UWM holds its own hip hop showcases and has an annual hip hop dance performance. This is a community outreach that allows the major culture of Milwaukee to express themselves. This alone is progress for a community that has been separated and silenced for many years.
Many events were held at various venues like the miller high life theater. These events included showcases by local artists job fairs and school information. Even a city wide clean up was help and information on health. These events are important to the city of Milwaukee. There is no surprise about the obvious divide in this city, but this week did not dwell on that. Yet it helped established togetherness within the community. Urban culture should be celebrated and used as a Platform for people to voice their stories, showcase their art and even inspire others to do the same.
Milwaukee hip hop week has become an annual even now. The third annual hip hop week will be this coming year of 2020. It has only grown since its first year and I am sure it will continue to grow with the help of other organizations throughout Milwaukee.